Jonathan Windy Boy

Jonathan Windy Boy is duly enrolled member of the Rocky Boy MT, reservation, and registered member of the Saddle Lake Cree Nation, Alberta. He attended Northern Montana University, earning a degree in telecommunications from Southwest Indian Polytechnical Institute.

Jonathan currently sits as an elected Montana House of Representative, in the Montana Legislature, for District 32. Previously, Jonathan was elected as a Democratic member in the Montana State Senate from 2009 to 2017. Additionally, Jonathan is the Director, of the Chippewa Cree Tribe Cultural Resources Department, and Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO), Overseeing the Orphan Well Grant (OWG), and the
Department Of Indian Education (DOIE). In this role Jonathan works extensively with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). This federal legislation articulates that, NAGPRA requires Federal agencies and institutions that receive Federal funds (including museums, universities, state agencies, and local governments) to repatriate or transfer Native American human remains and other cultural items to the appropriate parties by, Consulting with lineal descendants, Indian Tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations on Native American human remains and other cultural items.

- Protecting and planning for Native American human remains and other cultural items that may be removed from Federal or tribal lands.
- Identifying and reporting all Native American human remains and other cultural items in inventories and summaries of holdings or collections; and 
- Giving notice prior to repatriating or transferring human remains and other cultural items.

Jonathan is also a world champion Grass Dancer, and traditionalist, supporting numerous ceremonies and cultural events across North America.